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who we are

Council for Responsible Business and Management Education

CRBME is a global movement transforming education in business and management through research and leadership.

The Council for Responsible Business and Management provides quality education for the world’s leading business schools that share the same values ​​and responsible practices in education with an emphasis on sustainability.


Business and management schools and other management-related universities play a key role in shaping the thinking and skills of future leaders and can be strong drivers of a company's sustainability. CRBME's vision is to achieve the goals of sustainable development through the education of responsible management.


The Council for Responsible Business and Management is a UN-supported initiative founded in 2007. As a platform for raising the profile of sustainability in schools around the world, CRBME equips today's business students with the understanding and ability to achieve change tomorrow.


Our mission and values

With our network of management, business and entrepreneurship professionals from academia and consulting firms, we play a central role in shaping a global approach to teaching management, business and entrepreneurship, providing unique information, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice.

CRBME is a network for schools and companies that aim to develop and teach successful responsible leaders and managers.

In addition to our emphasis on educational standards for management education, we firmly believe in connecting companies and academic institutions and in our efforts to facilitate and strengthen exchanges of quality information between them.
